September 15, 2018
St. John Lutheran Church
15235 Spring Cypress Rd.
Cypress, TX 77424
Convention begins at 8:00 am
Meet and greet at the Holiday Inn Express
Friday, September 14, 2018 at 7:00 P.M.
10520 Huffmeister Rd. Houston, TX.
Nearby Accomodations:
Holiday Inn Express 10520 Huffmeister Rd.
$89 per night + tax
Call 832-960-7106 before 9/1/18 for reservations
use code LHM
Download the registration form
Download the agenda
Highlights include:

Mission Kenya Discussion Panel
Texas LCMS Distrivct Update
Lone Star District Elections
LHM Programs and Resources
Guest Speaker:
Jeff Craig-Meyer
Vice President of constituencies